Ecology considers each element of balance in natural life separately. Human beings, who are considered to be at the top of the ecological pyramid, are the only creatures who have the chance to help the planet heal itself. As our world is getting older, there are actually many steps that can be taken to prevent an unwanted end. The solutions sought for the self-renewal of both living life and nature give rise to the question "What is ecological life?". It is possible to answer the question "What is ecological life?" with a very clear and understandable expression. Ecological life can be explained as a lifestyle that requires protecting and respecting living creatures and this system living in perfect harmony. In fact, it is not so long ago, just like 200 years ago... We are talking about the life we led before the industrial revolution, quantum physics, urbanization, agricultural revolution, transportation and communication technologies that polluted the world. We can think of ecological living as taking the example of people living in the countryside in touch with nature before all these developments.
What are Ecological Ways of Living?
Ecological lifestyles strive to protect nature and this perfect balance through different methods. These lifestyles, which are drawn through different tools and methods, basically try to reject or transform all factors that are contrary to nature. In these lifestyles; a peaceful life model intertwined with nature and away from technological pollution is adopted. Ecological lifestyles seek ways to protect and revitalize nature by using technology for air, environmental and resource pollution. One of the ways of life that emerged for this purpose is the sustainable society model. In this model, protection of plants and animals, organic farming and natural treatment methods are generally adopted. In this direction, schools, culture and art centers are established in environmentally friendly ways. The aim is to use technology to revitalize natural life. In this sustainable way of life, solar energy, synthetic meat production, alternative medicine and seed economy are specialized.

What are Ecological Living Conditions?
As the sovereign organism of the planet, human beings must make an attempt to protect nature; however, most of us do not have enough information about how we can do this. We can list a few of the conditions necessary to adopt an ecological model of living as follows:
To live without disturbing the natural order of life, without harming living beings and without producing waste that is difficult to dissolve
Reducing the use of chemicals in agriculture by eating organic
Using technology to eliminate disturbances to the natural balance
Choosing environmentally friendly products for long-lasting use in the home
Taking initiatives to prevent unnecessary water consumption
Sorting wastes according to their recyclability
Wherever possible, grow plants suitable for the ambient conditions
Taking initiatives to reduce energy consumption

How to Implement an Ecological Lifestyle?
The ecological living project is not about moving away from technology and the city to the countryside, as it is commonly believed. On the contrary, it means using technology to improve nature in all living spaces, whether urban or rural. The use of recycled products is one of the best examples of this. We can choose all the products we use, from kitchen products to clothes, from those that are recyclable. It is possible to recycle glass, batteries, plastic and organic waste by separating them according to their types. We can utilize waste by collecting, classifying and recycling it to protect natural resources. At the same time, you can prevent the formation of garbage heaps and the destruction of natural vegetation. It is a known fact that waste that cannot be reused turns into large piles of garbage and occupies the habitats of living things on land and in the seas. The gases emitted by garbage piles directly damage the layers of the atmosphere. In other words, waste that cannot be recycled not only stinks, rots and destroys the garbage bins of our homes, but also our natural life indirectly.
What are the Mistakes in Ecological Life Practices?
No human-made technology can recreate a destroyed world. So we must protect our world in order to leave a habitable planet for ourselves and future generations. It is possible to use technology to eliminate faulty practices that destroy natural life and protect ecological life.
Harmful chemicals used in agricultural practices cause both visible and invisible damage to nature. In fact, many pesticides cause the soil that is harvested one year to not even grow grass for the next 1-2 years.
Lack of certification is one of the biggest mistakes of ecological life practices. The production process needs to be observed and recorded, and sample products need to be examined and certified in the laboratory.
Even though it is a big, extensive and difficult task, fast-moving consumer goods need to be transformed into products for long-lasting use. For example, if a sweater made from waste is not suitable for recycling, the concept of sustainability is not realized.
Learning to sort waste is a must for ecological living! Collecting waste such as glass, plastic and batteries and throwing them in appropriate collection areas contributes to ecology.
Pouring used oil down the sink causes great harm to our beloved nature. It is best to collect the oil in a container and leave it in the collection areas!
How long does it take to switch to ecological living?
There is no need to wait for a mass movement to protect nature. Everyone should look for ways to adapt the elements around them to natural life, even if they are small. We should do our best instead of thinking about how this can benefit the whole nature. But of course we need some time to fully transition to natural ecological living. For example, you can start this process by planting a tree in the garden of the site or house where you live and learning to sort waste. It may take a little longer to switch to ecological living, but every step to save this world is valuable!

What are the Benefits of Ecological Living?
If you are wondering "What are the benefits of ecological living?", we suggest you take a look at extinct or endangered species. This is the work of man who destroys the balance of nature. Ecological living aims to live in respect with nature and living things by avoiding waste. By reducing consumption and waste production as much as possible, it positions man as a part of nature, not its ruler, just as in the past. With this perspective, it is possible to prevent the extinction of species and leave a livable world for future generations.
How to Create a Personal Ecological Living Space in Everyday Life?
Living in an ecological home has a positive impact on many areas, from mood to physical health, because change starts from the person, not the environment. There are very simple changes you can make to create an ecological living space in your home.
Ecological Foods
Ecological foods protect not only nature but also your health. It is a fact that chemicals are used in all production methods other than ecological agriculture. Of course, there are also substances that are mixed into packaged foods during factory production. It's time to put a stop to harmful chemicals both in food and in its packaging! Instead, you can collect fruit waste at home to make natural fertilizer and grow your own produce. It is also up to you to prepare your own drinks and foods with the natural fruits and vegetables you buy.
Ecological Textiles
From bed linen to towels, from clothes to bags, all textiles go through numerous production stages. However, countless washings shorten their lifespan. Instead, recycled textiles that are durable and have a longer lifespan can be preferred. For example, Green Petition towels and peshtemals contribute to the ecological life model with their recycled materials. Long-lasting and 100 percent recycled towels get their colors from the materials used in production, not from dyes.
Ecological Decorations
Decoration is a must for a happy living space. You can also consider ecological living while decorating a decoration that reflects your personal tastes. We recommend that you give priority to items made from natural materials. For example, you can choose glass and wood decoration materials instead of products made of plastic materials. In this way, it is possible to contribute to the environment by recycling these items as soon as you think they are outdated.
Ecological Architectures
Even the architectural features of the space you live in are important for ecological living at home. This element, referred to as ecological architecture, requires buildings to be made of materials that do not harm living things. Stone, soil, wood, wood fiber, thatch, moss, lime, straw, flax, hemp and more are the materials used in ecological architecture. At the same time, it is seen as a big plus that the preferred living space has energy-saving infrastructure.

Where Can I Buy Ecological Natural Products?
If you want to buy organic food products, you can evaluate virtual markets. However, at this stage, it is extremely important that the virtual store you choose has certificates for each of these products and production areas. If you are looking for ecological food products, the best place you can choose is the producer itself! You can protect both nature and ecological life, especially by supporting farmers who produce pesticide-free products in their own gardens. You should also remember to use cloth or mesh bags instead of plastic bags when shopping in physical stores and from the farmers themselves. If you want to buy ecological textile products, you can choose Green Petition, which is dedicated to recycling and protecting nature. You can even buy your towel or loincloth from Green Petition when you go on vacation this summer. The towels, whose colors and patterns we are sure you will admire, have durable recycled materials.
What are the Projects for Ecological Living in Turkey?
Turkey is one of the perfect regions to realize ecological living projects. Turkey is rich in natural resources. However, it is also a fact that we threaten these resources by producing tons of waste every day. The best way to stop this is ecological living projects. Ecological living center projects in Turkey aim to instill a love of animals and nature, especially in children. These projects, which have been implemented in many parts of the world, also aim to restore the resources that are at risk and the ecological balance that is deteriorating. The ecological living center, an example of which is located in Kadıköy, Istanbul, includes a butterfly garden, a pond, a thematic park, a coop, and a compost training area. This center also organizes trips to ecological life farms through the TaTuTa (Agriculture, Tourism, Trade) network. The ecological life farm is one of the projects realized in Turkey. In these regions, there is also the opportunity to have a vacation as well as working cooperatively. In other words, it is possible to spend time in peace and in touch with nature while closely examining ecological life. At the farms, visitors can gain experience in flour, tomato paste, cheese, oil making and olive harvesting. In other words, the production stages of all foods that can be made naturally are carried out on farms. Erzurum, Izmir, Muğla, Antalya, Amasya, Bilecik, Balıkesir, Bolu, Çanakkale and Kocaeli are just some of the provinces with ecological farms.